How ETIM classification works
In product information management, accuracy is essential. ETIM, or the Electro-Technical Information Model, provides a structured approach to classifying products simply and unambiguously. This helps companies manage and share their product data efficiently. In this blog, we will elaborate on exactly how the ETIM classification works and what it means for the product descriptions in your e-commerce platform or product catalogue.
The structure of ETIM classification
One level of grouping
ETIM uses a clear and uncluttered structure with one level of grouping. This means that each product is assigned to a specific class that reflects the essence of the product. This approach avoids excessive complexity and makes it easier to accurately describe and search for products.
Benefits of one level of grouping
- Simpler search: Customers and users can quickly and effectively find what they need.
- Less confusion: With fewer levels and subcategories, there is less chance of confusion when classifying products.
Synonyms for enhanced search experience
Each ETIM class has multiple synonyms, contributing to an improved search experience. This aspect is especially important in e-commerce and online databases, where users may use different terminologies to find the same product.
Practical application of synonyms
Suppose a user searches for “LED lamps”. The ETIM classification will recognise synonyms such as “LED lighting” or “light emitting diodes”, making the search more effective and helping the user find the desired products faster.
Types of product characteristics
ETIM distinguishes different types of product characteristics to enable a comprehensive description of products. These characteristics are divided into three main categories:
Alphanumeric features
These are features that contain textual information, such as model names, series, or colour. Alphanumeric attributes are essential for providing detailed product descriptions that are easily understood by the end user.
Numerical characteristics
Numerical attributes contain quantitative information such as dimensions, weight, or capacity. This data is crucial for customers requiring specific dimensions or capacities for their applications.
Logical features
Logical features offer yes/no or true/false information, such as “watertight” yes/no. This category is particularly useful for quick filtering of products based on certain properties.
ETIM classification provides a powerful, structured way to describe and catalogue products. By using a single level of grouping, synonyms for enhanced search functionality and detailed product features, companies can effectively manage their product information and provide their customers with a better buying experience. Understanding and implementing this classification standard is essential for any company looking to optimise and expand its presence in the e-commerce world.